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Becks BT​

Composer / Sound Engineer / Sound Design

It’s been said that music is the language of the soul, a concept Rebekah has taken to heart throughout her career as a professional in the music industry. Explore her portfolio to see the work that showcases the highlights of her musical experience and track her creative development.

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About Becks

Born and raised in Montreal, Rebekah has had the opportunity of being surrounded by the culture of music and arts. Since graduating at Recording Arts Canada College, she has been pushing to achieve more success in her music career. Looking to perfect her technical abilities and developing her own unique style, Rebekah draws upon her Montreal roots and lifelong passion for music. She has a passion for experimenting in different styles and strives on trying new things to keep growing as an artist in the music industry. Here you can find here some of her personal projects, collaborations with other artists and videos.

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In Vitro (ending)

In Vitro (ending)

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In Vitro (ending)

Toi Moi et L"autre (Ending+Credits)

Toi,Moi Et L'Autre (Mother Scene)

Behind Closed Doors

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Vintage Records

If there is one way for me to express myself, it's through my music. When I sit down in my studio, most of the time I have somewhat of an idea of what I want to create. But truthfully, whatever I am feeling takes control and before you know it I'm producing something totally different. I have noticed that I create the best when I am sad or emotional, music is my therapy and always will be. It's a way to connect with people without even having to physically connect with them. Music brings people together, hence the meaning behind my artist name "Kizunah". It's originally spelled like "KIZUNA" but I added the "H" to personalize it as my name finishes with an "H".

The Japanese word "KIZUNA", means bonds or connections between people and it has been chosen as Japan's kanji of 2011.

I think we can all agree that the art and music scene definitely brings bonds and connections between people, that is to be the most beautiful interactions we can experience. I love to connect with musicians from all over the world and appreciate the diversity as it compliments my growth as an artist in the industry.

So as I keep exploring the fields of my musical journey, join me and let's create magic together! 

Becks BT

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Rebekah Bergeron-Taillefer


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